Sunday, February 26, 2006


the first pic.bottom;left; is a huge long time plagiarist in some kind,of trouble cause,of this long time-SECRET;
the second pic.,top left;another great plagiarists who threatned ,to snuff my girlfriend while we were under the gun;so did ,bledsoe,a stage jumper into the crowd, around the same time ,so;did they kill any female?
the third is, another huge plagiarsts ;one, of the top-three main ;biggest plagiarist; of all time.
do i want to slander;NO!...."shut-up" isnt what i'm DOING,if you do me this way ,and allow sharp murderers i reported ,to continue,to go free,and,slander me....
do any ,of them have anything, to say ,yet?
i can't even see a female contact every five days for a few hours here;i am a virtual hostage,to the likes ,of hostile family and, bums
they threw me ,in with...
i was in the height ,of my life;
mom was dead for many years ,and sick cops and family were loosing hold of their hostages they used as my mom
i may have suspected and i had to be absolutely 1000 % sure and ,the hostages confessed who was going to snuff them;they were in trouble!
i came back in early 80s; mid-seventies ,after a special incident ,to find mom doubled.
my sister is NUTS.
can you take my story or not?
they murdered my whole life;
every girlfriend;
my very precious fame and fortune ;and my own mother...for the damn songs;
skip what-ever you wish but, don't allow another day to pass without securing my story and, HELP ME prosecute them ;
once and for all;
each and everyone of them ;tossed in jail for life.
PLEASE: TAP THEM ,INVESTIGATE them; DNA ;POLYGRAPH; BUT ,DON'T LISTEN TO THOSE G.D. - PSYCHO-LIARS,anymore,not one word is evergoing to change into true ,especially about me;THEY GOT AWAY ,with spying on me ,and selling off to mob ;who took it off,to the plagiarist-stars;for THIS LONG ,WITH THIS MUCH CRIME ,IN MY FACE, UP TO TODAY ....WHILE MAKING SURE I AM THREATENED BY SOME SLEAZE NAMED,katraumadose,&, ZAPPED ;dilligently; TORTURED,on a daily basis;since i tried,to report,to washington,d.c.fbi; in person;early 2000 ,again,
put yourself and ,your fears aside for one moment ;you'd crap if this were you,
or your career ;loved-ones ,or if it were your MOTHER!
think about this Hollywood infra-structure ,and the triads of lethal mafia in Hollywoods' Watergate,so far....
how would you like to hear your own mother in a long speech ;crying for you ;and then it's a new big-verbatim script ,for a movie block buster hit ,for the academy awards;all you know is :it's her ;and they told you there's no escape from snuff,and,cops in your sick family; surveillance you ;and, love ,whitey Bulger, and brag ,and profit ;filthy you up,and wanna hold you down ,untill every-one, and everything is dead, and finished ,
and,only they remain.

off snuff-victims.
no one wrote THEMAJORITY,OF number one songs or movie scripts ,since me and mine got lost to snuff starting over 3 and a half decades ago,
till it ,became a colossal monopoly,!
& ,spread international;as unstoppable.
great!do nothing about my songs ,or fame but, do something, about these murderers and, my mom;
victimize me,and survivors no more,with your negligence.....
yes:most likely still:my computer is tapped;
my phones are bugged ,when ,or if i dare,to have one;
nutcases placed on my mail or any communications under fire and assault,
on a daily basis;in this lowlife beach place;
i am under surveillance;
my life is "under the gun,"
and, im told ,to shut up ,about my mom,or about any of the
murders i saw;or else ;
they will haul me away ,and i will be extremely sorry
as, before,
or worse ....,
so ....i will blog it;
soon the book ,if all else fails,
and, it surely has been a failure and, great loss of life,so far ....
when will someone ever be able to really come,to the rescue;when will someone finally do something about it.